The Hidden Houseparty to Celebrate the Founder of HACOY

Lifestyle is a Choice.
The brand chose to celebrate in a unique and hidden location in Munich. Guests were picked up by security on the corner of Muellerstrasse 45 in the famous Gärtnerplatz district and brought to the party.
The apartment offered a great environment for everything the brand has been working on in its first year of delivering fashion to the world. Guests could discover the four collections in different rooms, demonstrating how the brand and its clothing fits into the lifestyle of the ethical client. From the initial collection of the workwear clothing inspired by the shift in office environments and the desire to feel comfortable at all times up until the newest collection of luxurious underwear created for comfortable days and playful nights.

The Influence of Maximilian's Nightlife.
Inspired by experiences that the founder of the brand Maximilian has had, the event had some interesting aspects to it. The picking up of the guests on the corner of the street and bringing them to a hidden location was a situation Maximilian had encountered when he went partying in Barcelona last summer. "It has a really mysterious and exclusive feeling to it and I wanted to give my community a similar experience for a fun start to the evening" - Maximilian Rupp.
The dark room which was present in the location, filled with balloons and quiet melancholic music was an adaptation to the dark rooms that people might remember from berlin. "Dark rooms are for people to be their real self and do anything they want to, without being scared of being judged. It is a safe space. I wanted to create a similar, comforting and relaxing space inside our party location for guests to get away from the noise of the party." - Maximilian Rupp.

New Underwear. Same Values.
Guests received the first glance and feel of the new underwear collection that the brand had been working on the past months. Silk fabric from Spain and manufacturing in Italy promises the best possible quality for the newest addition the the fashion brands portfolio. The brand will hold their photo shooting in Cape Town beginning of the month, preparing everything for the official launch of the underwear by end of February.